Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

Friday, November 26, 2021                                        (today’s lectionary)

Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

I saw a vision during the night. The Ancient One took his throne, and his clothing was snow bright, his throne was flames of fire, and thousands upon thousands were ministering to him. One like a son of man was coming on the clouds of heaven.

For several years Margaret has often spent the first part of her morning meditating on the Lord’s Prayer to center herself and set the tone for the day. She thinks of it as intimacy time that no one else shares.  Today she shares with us. On Thanksgiving Day this is what she wrote:

Pray, then, in this way:  Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

Your name is most sacred.  We don’t know you fully, yet we are from you.  We have a bit of your DNA now.  We long to honor you as we carry on the line.

Your kingdom come.  Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

You have created and then restored your kingdom.  Your realm is all that is, both what we see in your vast universe and in the unseen.  The earth is all we can comprehend yet it is just your footstool.

Give us this day our daily bread, (our bread for tomorrow)

There is food all around me but I trust that you will provide for me what will bring health & not sickness to me.  Let it be warm and crunchy.  Use my hunger to remind me to hunger after you first.  This is what fasting & feasting have taught me.

and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Because all came from you, I am  the true debtor. I only steward  things, so remind me that no one can owe me, they can only owe you!  I realize every day, though made of dust, how very rich I am!

Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. (the evil one)

Help me keep in intimacy with you, so that I don’t wander off the path you lead me on.  Side by side down the path, whether straight and narrow or hilly, rocky, and perilous.  I carry only YOUR yoke.  Because I have learned that my own is impossibly heavy.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Not mine.  But your kingdom, your power & for your glory for eternity.


Jesus said, “Consider the fig tree and how its buds burst open as summer draws near. My words will never pass away.”

 (Daniel 7, Daniel 3, Luke 21)

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