A wholistic kind of patriotism

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Independence Day in the USA

(click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

A wholistic kind of patriotism

Early the next morning Abraham went to the place where he had stood in God’s presence. As he looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, he saw dense smoke rising over the land rising like fumes from a furnace. O Lord, your mercy is before my eyes.

We are blessed to be (those of us who are) Americans. I forget, and take that for granted, and then when I am somehow reminded, I feel thankful to be who I am, where I am, and then, more than anything, aware I have been made, not begotten. Jesus is my brother, the Holy Spirit is my sister, and our Father is my … well, father. And mother. The ones who made us all, the ones who made me.

And I remember  that most of us are not Americans, all these brothers and sisters of every race and tongue. My fellow Americans do not always think highly of these others. But perhaps Americans are rarely worse than anyone else in this way. Who in this world these days is not caught up at least a little in their national identity, for better or for worse?

As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him. Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea. Jesus was asleep, but his disciples cried, “Lord, save us, for we are perishing!”

So although I will rise for the National Anthem, and deeply appreciate the medals my usher buddy Dave wears on Sunday before the 4th as he greets us with hugs and a smile, I will also sing this song about patience, about waiting, about humility, and about meekness, which in the Sermon on the Mount should be defined as the power of a tamed stallion:


Let my soul rise up to meet You

As the day rises to the sun

Let my soul rise up to meet You

Let that patient kingdom come


When’s the last time you felt steady in the chaos

Hear the sound when the seed falls to earth

Is it time to give up your destination

Slow me down let love do its work


Let my soul rise up to meet You

As the day rises to the sun

Let my soul rise up to meet You

Let that patient kingdom come


As the trees and hummingbirds lead the chorus

They work so hard in their center so still

Is it time for a change in direction

Slow me down as I bend to Your will


Let my soul rise up to meet You

As the day rises to the sun

Let my soul rise up to meet You

Let that patient kingdom come


Slow me down

Slow me down let love do its work


Let my soul rise up to meet You

As the day rises to the sun

Let my soul rise up to meet You

Oh let that patient kingdom come

Let that patient kingdom come

Let that patient kingdom come



Some of us have been soldiers, and most of us have not. I have taken to saying the words we say to veterans and first responders to anyone I meet who is working hard: “Thank you for your service.” It seems right to single out all the hard-working brothers and sisters, and share the love of God as best I can.

And … share it with the trees and hummingbirds too.

Jesus got up, rebuked the winds and sea, and there fell a great calm.

(Genesis 19, Psalm 26, Psalm 135, Matthew 8)

(posted at www.davesandel.net)


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