Matthew 4:19-22
 Jesus said to Peter and his brother Andrew, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  At once they left their nets and followed him. He walked along and saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee, and called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed him.
When are you the most quiet? What bio-rhythm applies to the sound and silence of mind? If Jesus were to appear before me and call me to follow him, do I hear him? Is there anything to say, or do I just get up and follow?
Peter talked about and held strong opinions about everything. When Jesus called, He didn’t say a word. Jesus’ magnetism silenced his noisy mind in a moment. What is in the depth of Jesus’ look at his brothers … soon to be disciples? What do they see? They don’t say; what they did was follow.
Follow means learning to do what Jesus does and think how Jesus thinks. Let him lead. He decides where to go, what to do, how to say what needs to be said when, and to whom. He takes the risks and protects his disciples from the danger involved in those risks. Yet when he reaps rewards, he shares them all. He keeps nothing for himself.
Advent. We are in the midst of Jesus’ coming. He comes to be Emmanuel: God with us. He walks along the edges of morning and night, slipping into my dreams sometimes, calling me. I think I’m calling to him, “Come, Lord Jesus.” But it is Jesus himself, calling and insistent, who brings those words to life in me.
Don’t stop calling, Lord. When I turn away, call me. When I try to talk my way out of coming with you, call me. In time I learn to be quiet, learn to listen, learn to follow you.