Baby is here!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

(click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

Baby is here!

He that offers praise as a sacrifice glorifies me; and to him that goes the right way I will show the salvation of God.

When we took Miles and Jasper to school today, their kindergarten and second grade teachers were all ears, eyes wide … any news? Several other moms and teachers who recognized us asked too.

Then when we picked up the boys after school, there were the same wide-eyed questioning looks. “No news is good news,” I said. We’ll find out soon enough. Miles pointed out that if the baby is born after midnight, his birthday will be 3/4/25. On the other hand if he’s born today, he’ll be the third boy born on the third day of the third month. There’s a lot of numerology riding on this.

We spent Monday night at the Tomita home, after having dinner prepared by Aki’s parents. It was a beautiful meal. Ken and Machiko lived here for more than a year  after moving from Buffalo, but they have now moved into their own home thirty minutes away. Every Monday and Wednesday they prepare dinner for all six (soon to be seven) Tomitas, and they clean up too!

So … I sit writing on Monday evening, and after dinner, at about 7 pm, we received the phone call we’ve been waiting for. Andi was laughing in the background. Aki told their sons, “You have a new baby brother. He was just born! His name is Finn Satoshi Tomita.”

We’ll find out his birth weight and a variety of other interesting statistics soon. Today, I hope. As a new chapter of the Tomita Family Saga begins in earnest.

Carl Jung wants us to acknowledge the truths of scripture and Christ not only from the outside in, but from the inside out. This is the natural way that children, especially babies, know God – from the inside out. This innocent acceptance of who we are and who God is doesn’t last long. But as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”

So much happens so quickly in our lives as we grow into adulthood. Peter said to Jesus, “we have given up everything to follow you.” Jesus knew this, that we have possessions of every kind to hold onto: “house or brother or sister or mother or father or children or lands.” But you will get all of it back, he said, and a hundred times more. Did Jesus mean this? I wish I could see his eyes.  But in fact, out of my childlike faith, I believe. Help my unbelief.

This trust does not come easily. As we “mature,” our confusion about what matters grows and grows. I think of words from Thomas Keatings’ foreword to Cynthia Bourgeault’s first book on centering prayer:

Centering Prayer is aimed at healing the violence in ourselves and purifying the unconscious of its hidden and flawed motivation that reduces, and can even cancel out, the effectiveness of the external works of mercy, justice, and peace. – from Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening

The baby that is resting in Andi’s arms isn’t separating any of this into separate thoughts, and it has no possessions of his own to give away.

Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously.

Pastor Matt pointed out the symbiotic relationship between contentment and generosity. If I am content, it is natural for me to be generous. When I am generous, I become more content. This is the wisdom of the children of God, before they like everyone before them discover the tree in the middle of the garden, and covet its fruit.

We live in abundance but convince each other that there is not enough for all of us. The deepest lie of all. Look into the child’s eyes, the baby’s eyes, and see what there is for you to see. God is starting with us again.

The Lord is one who always repays.

(Sirach 35, Psalm 50, Matthew 11, Mark 10)

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