Put your arms around the world

Tuesday August 20, 2024

Memorial of Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church

(click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

Put your arms around the world

Jesus Christ became poor although he was rich, so that by his poverty we might become rich.

In his remarkable book The Naked Now, Richard Rohr includes several appendices, two of which are etched into my mind. The first is a list of nine levels of spiritual development, and the second is a simple appreciation of the word AND. Which, if you think about it, can replace the word BUT in many sentences and (AND) make everybody more than a little happier.

So here’s that list, and then following a poem by Steve Garnaas-Holmes which makes ample use of the word AND in describing a world in which we can choose to live.


  1. “And” teaches us to say yes
  2. “And” allows us to be both-and
  3. “And” keeps us from either-or
  4. “And” teaches us to be patient and long-suffering
  5. “And” is willing to wait for insight and integration
  6. “And” keeps us from dualistic thinking
  7. “And” does not divide the field of the moment
  8. “And” helps us to live in the always imperfect now
  9. “And” keeps us inclusive and compassionate toward everything
  10. “And” demands that our contemplation become action
  11. “And” insists that our action is also contemplative
  12. “And” heals our racism, sexism, heterosexism, and classism
  13. “And” keeps us from the false choice of liberal or conservative
  14. “And” allows us to critique both sides of things
  15. “And” allows us to enjoy both sides of things
  16. “And” is far beyond any one nation or political party
  17. “And” helps us face and accept our own dark side
  18. “And” allows us to ask for forgiveness and to apologize
  19. “And” is the mystery of paradox in all things
  20. “And” is the way of mercy
  21. “And” makes daily, practical love possible
  22. “And” does not trust love if it is not also justice
  23. “And” does not trust justice if it is not also love
  24. “And” is far beyond my religion versus your religion
  25. “And” allows us to be both distinct and yet united
  26. “And” is the very Mystery of Trinity

 With God all things are possible.

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And here is Steve’s poem, titled “Morning Song,” which by its end rushes into one long delicious offering …

Morning Song

The sun comes up and puts its arms around the world,

which leans in and looks up like a child in its mother’s bosom,

and the birds sing about that, all their warbling songs

and their chittering songs and their playground songs.

Clouds in their long white robes

burgeon across the sky, furling and unfurling,

and the white pines nod, and the red oaks nod,

and the beech and the birch leaves flutter,

and the grasses wave and bow and wave.

Dew sings its fuzz of light, and little white moths applaud.

The wild daisies seem to know something, and the goldenrod,

and the white clover knows and the purple vetch knows.

The little brook recites its rosary, clicking the beads.

The morning light rises and rises

as if it is about to ask something,

like the ocean over and over coming to the shore;

and the meadowlarks take up the question the sun is asking,

asking something of the world,

and because you are part of it, breathing,

asking you as well:

if you are willing, here, now,

to go ahead and be part of it,

to be part of the unfolding of this astonishing day,

to be at least this much of the miracle.

Say yes, the poet cries. Say YES!

Let my end be your beginning!

Then, as the poet retreats we readers rise and make our choice.

(Ezekiel 28, Deuteronomy 32, 2 Corinthians 8, Matthew 19)

(posted at www.davesandel.net)


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