Jasper, pearl of great price

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest

Jasper’s 5th birthday

Jasper, pearl of great price

       (click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

When I found your words I devoured them; they became my joy and the happiness of my heart.

In Ignatius’ case he was badly injured in a local war. His sister provided him with two types of books to read during his recovery: romantic war stories and the lives of the saints. Heroes of the flesh and heroes of the spirit, and in a short time Ignatius began devouring those of the spirit. They became the “joy and happiness of his heart.” In those short months, although his wound left him with a permanent limp, he felt God’s pleasure, and he felt God’s insistent call.

Later he wrote his Spiritual Exercises, still extremely popular today, in which he asks his retreatant to take four “weeks” and consider four aspects of life: “sin and God’s boundless mercy and love for us, episodes in the life of Jesus, the passion of Jesus, and the chaos, wonder, confusion and awe left to us by the Resurrection.”

My Aunt Nenie’s life was transformed, as she testified, by her own four weeks of exercises. Meditation and imaginative contemplation helped her see first what hindered her relationship with God, and then to see how God would guide her through those hindrances and roadblocks. Some time later she gave Rollie – her brother, my dad – a handwritten book of inspiration. Her Ignatian experience inspired her to do this.

Dear Rollie,

I have written in this book some of my favorite psalms, scripture passages, poetry and prayers. I want to share them with you because, to me, they express the beautiful presence and reality of God.

Love, your sister,


Ignatius founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), who became known for their scholarship and fierce protection of the pope. The Jesuits, which has remained a strictly male order, sent missionaries around the world and started schools everywhere to educate young people in the ways of life with Christ.

Ignatius encouraged his fellow Jesuits to attend Mass each day. He required them to make an “Examen” twice a day.

Under the weight of your hand I sat alone.

During this examination of conscience and consciousness – a deceptively simple method of reviewing each day, confessing sin and receiving forgiveness – God’s presence becomes more and more real as a retreatant spends time with God in this way twice a day, each day, forever.

I am with you to deliver and rescue you, says the Lord.

And on this same 31st of July, Jasper was born. Margaret flew and I drove to be with Andi and her new sweet honey-child. He blesses us all every day.

The Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.

Clarence Heller has grandchildren too. His poem catches hold of what we experience ourselves:


Though I didn’t realize it before he said it,

I would have given everything to hear those words,

“Will you hold my hand Papa?”

as we walked from the house to the lake,

he wearing his rain boots and three year old body,

me wearing the longings, urgency and clarity of older age.

And looking back over my decades

I am certain that I have not treasured a moment more,

that my heart has never felt so full,

that my love and gratitude been so immense.

Dear boy, you could never know the impact of your life on mine

though someday I pray that you too are so touched as I was today.

The surprise and awe of Love and Life and God and Purpose

triggered by such a pure and innocent request.

The Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.

(Jeremiah 15, Psalm 59, John 15, Matthew 13)

(posted at www.davesandel.net)


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