Haiku for every day of January 2025

Haiku for every day of January 2025


January 1

Parades, football, sun

What a way to start the year

Reading too, and prayer


January 2

To entertain the

Boys, Diane bought cool machine

Make cotton candy


January 3

Lasting impressions

IMAX impressionism

Andi and the boys


January 4

this year, much the same

my body’s bits and pieces

make it through each day


January 5

Am I short-sighted?

AARP membership

One year at a time


January 6

Car shines after wash

Google maps icon matches

Home, boy! Take me home


January 7

Travel to heaven

Or at least Jollyville Road

Such a grand street name!


January 8


Yep! It’s where we live

Day by day, see you more clearly

Rising of the sun


January 9

Burning LA fires

Houses gone in 10 minutes

I can feel the heat


January 10

Floats of flowers gone

Countless blossoms lost and burned

…Horses sometimes saved


January 11

Husbands, wives, hold on

To each other as the fire

Burns what matters less


January 12

Fire, flood, Romans 8

… nothing can separate us

So we cling to You


January 13

Wake up, out of bed

Morning pages start my day

Settle in silence


January 14

Order at midnight

Mac mini just down the street

Paradise and Main


January 15

Apple at Domain

Picked up M4 Mac Mini

Carried my prize home


January 16

This fancy machine!

Can I put it all together?

Mostly fun for me


January 17

Austin’s friendly pigs

Kenedy’s FFA hamp

New friend won grand prize


January 18

Wump World by Bill Peet

Pollutians colonize wumps’

Happy paradise


January 19

Martin Luther King

Learned non-violence from Jesus

And like Jesus, killed


January 20


Trump calls start of Golden Age

Lots of billionaires     


January 21

Winter in Austin

Turtleneck, cold, inch of snow

But it won’t last long


January 22

Marg – eight hour wait

At Austin airport while I

Drive to Rolla, MO


January 23

Hurry up and wait

Urbana in plenty of time

I’ll sleep well tonight


January 24

I don’t do enough

Deb looks at me, says, “will you

Stop thinking like that?”


January 25

See through my failure

To God’s complete competence

He will never fail


January 26

Birthday lunch with Jim

Off to Springfield, Eagles and

Chiefs to Super Bowl


January 27

Sister and brother

A nice time was had by all

I buy next breakfast


January 28

John makes a fine host

Even when he’s on hospice

Sit before the fire


January 29

Prison weddings – sweet

Dress blues for early morning

Smiles all around


January 30

Dallas, clipped a curb

Scared the daylights out of me

But I made it home


January 31

Marg’s plane was delayed

Flight attendant new hero

Bed by 2 a.m.

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