Train time in Austin and across the country

Saturday, September 7, 2024

(click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

Train time in Austin and across the country

Our Friday adventures continue. This week we began with a trip to the dumpster and then our apartment office to pick up a snack or two. Then we headed out for a P Terry’s lunch and the Bullock Texas State History Museum.

Miles and Jasper both had cameras. All of us took pictures of each other taking pictures of each other. A year-long “Hacienda” membership for Margaret and I includes free admission for our grandkids (all four of them) and 5 IMAX tickets anytime we go. And there’s more! This is no small potatoes.

We wandered the halls, looked up in the rafters and then into the face of a Texas Air Force WWII plane, held the virtual fate of an eighteenth century sailing ship in our hands, watched a film about Texas cowboys in the movies, slapped the bronze behind of a giant buffalo, and headed to the museum’s IMAX Theater.

TRAIN TIME!  and suddenly we were immersed in 45 minutes of scenery and education and up-close stories from the freight yards of Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle, and even better the 5,000 miles in between with avalanches, floods, and the everyday life. Always eventful, never quite the same. I don’t remember a more enjoyable IMAX movie. Just check out the trailer.

The Lord keeps all who love him. He is near to all who call upon him.

Blue Bell ice cream in the Star Café, a few more pictures inside and out, and we headed home just barely ahead of rush hour. I hope these Friday adventures go on for a long long time.

We had to get home a little early for our afternoon nap. Our Sunday School class (Empty Nesters) Fun Chairman scheduled a “Friday Night Bites” at Maggiano’s, which is not really a bite-size place, being a renowned Italian restaurant with dark wood, high ceilings, and plenty of Italians in fancy suits. Forty of us signed up, and we got there early enough for Happy Hour.

Jesus went through a field of grain on a sabbath. His disciples were picking heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands and eating the grain.

Chicken piccata, shrimp alfredo, dessert bites, and great stories, getting to know our friends a little better, sharing tales from Scotland, Iowa and the great state of Illinois.

Our young kiddos were a joy to be with today, though, and we realized that our regular Friday morning and afternoon adventures with them were sweet, and that we would choose those times over regular Friday night dinner dates, even at some of the best restaurants in the world.

(1 Corinthians 4, Psalm 145, John 14, Luke 6)

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