Haiku for every day of August 2024

Haiku for every day of August 2024


August 1

Fifth birth-day over

But your birth-week continues

We love you, Jasper!


August 2

All day with the boys

Legos, lunch, Henry and Mudge

It’s been a long time!


August 3

Bricks and minifigs

Jasper, five friends, Miles

For his fifth birthday


August 4

Yes – it’s time to pray!

What might we do with Jesus?

What might he do with us?


August 5

Yes – it will be hot

God’s gift electricity

Such as a time as this


August 6

Move from multitude

To circle of the commited?

Go on mission trip!


August 7

Common people for

Uncommon purpose, Rosa

Parks, Simon Peter


August 8

Miles tells his next joke

What’s black, white, read all over

He laughs, eyes wide, bright


August 9

Sweat falls off my face

Really! 106 degrees?

Like Death Valley here


August 10

Watch our basil plant

Taking over a big pot

It smells so Green


August 11

Deep identity

Child of God, friend of the Groom

Roots grow deep and strong


August 12

Marg with Rugeley

Her teeth get some attention

Just look at that smile


August 13

Ask and he will … this

Is the kingdom of heaven

Can you drink my cup?


August 14

When Jesus dies for me

Does he show me how to live?

And then … how to die?


August 15

Friday Adventures

Stopped by neither snow nor storm

Eyes wide, heads held high


August 16

Cedar Park Railroad

Soaked at the Quarry Splash Pad

Lunch at Whip My Soul!


August 17

Cubs, Bears, home teams win

Strange how happy this makes me

From the outside in


August 18

Author of my life

Christ be magnified in me

Let his praise arise


August 19

Our forty-five years fly

Across the far horizon

Blue birds in the sky


August 20

River flow in me

The past is not even past

Stones in me dissolve


August 21

Oh, black block of stone!

Caught in the current of God

River flow through me


August 22

This water stones me

Rivers’ flow by flow by flow

Run all over me


August 23

Bible to live by

Love letter from God to me

Signed, sealed, delivered


August 24

can I get a nap?

Tomorrow is Shabbat, so

Lots to do today


August 25

At last our pool’s open

Water lapping on my chest

Sun shines warm, wet, bright


August 26

Learn the art of calm

Tree trunk stands still, while leaves blow

Lord, let that be me


August 27

Plastic under car

Falling apart once again

How long, Lord, how long?


August 28

Guy sits on his stool

Fingers pressed into forehead

Eyes closed. Worried stiff.


August 29

I like to hold peace.

This from car-tire shop reps

Patrick, Spencer, Sam


August 30

Boys. Amtrak. First time.

Swimming from a Waco beach

Baylor’s twin black Bears


August 31

Help me now, Grandpa!

Dark water, too high for me

You will hold me up

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