Haiku for every day of July 2024

Haiku for every day of July 2024

July 1

New critter inside

When I said “yes” to Jesus

This is a Good Thing


July 2

Marc’s golf is relaxed

And it shows in our faces

Brookhill’s so laid back


July 3

Species redemptus

Fear and faith walk side by side

Till death do us part


July 4

Nearest place to watch

Awesome Champaign fireworks

We were so happy!


July 5

Fresh Illini air

Clear Cardinal morning song

Finds sunflower seeds


July 6

Poisoned by some meds?

Giving up a step too soon?

Aging does take time


July 7

Coffee after church

Three of us – it’s been awhile

Sweet taste of heaven


July 8

Long line, Christie labs

Gives me just a little time

To breathe, rest, write


July 9

Like Sunday picnic

Catching up – conversations

Waiting for our labs


July 10

Can’t get out of here

Nice to sit a little bit

Listen to my heart


July 11

Close my eyes and cry

Memory – I feel ashamed

Called: look up to God


July 12

Boys and girls – calm down!

Get to know your inside outs

Talk now, wait to kiss


July 13

Hand of God hovers

Big red button – puberty

Wanna get away?


July 14

Magnificent drums

Christian pounding out Vineyard

Songs, then just whispers


July 15

Jimmy’s Grand Canyon

Above the Long fireplace

As we talked and prayed


July 16

Breakfast with Ron, then

Skipped lunch with John, and we talked

Then guests at Marc’s house


July 17

Will the food I eat

Kill me softly with a song?

Rest in peace, gourmand


July 18

Face-time with Merlie

Sandy in Peoria

And “little boy” Dave


July 19

Music from Peru

Strings, clarinet, such flowers!

Friday at the Lake


July 20

sit wondering, what

happens next – no place to go

listening to God


July 21

Fair farm families

Western, showing heifers, steers

Get out of the barn


July 22

Hands behind his back

The judge commands attention

Walks the sawdust, speaks


July 23

local music greats

Marv Lee Flessner, Dyke Corson

Deep roots – they stayed put


July 24

Fair music at night

Streams through my open window

Alongside crickets


July 25

Lord help me Jesus

I’ve wasted it so, help me …

My soul’s in your hand


July 26

So entertaining –

Inside me, Anxiety

Wrings its hands, then sleeps


July 27

Caught our last groundhog,

I hope. Took him five miles to

Forest, with four friends


July 28

Last Illinois church –

Gone to Waynesville, every one

We’ll never forget


July 29

Burning in my heart

Could be very good or bad

Listen – still, small voice


July 30

Jasper will be five –

Great day coming tomorrow

Will he sleep tonight?


July 31

Last weddings today

Then drive south toward Austin

That’s our other home

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