Haiku for every day of June 2024

Haiku for every day of June 2024

 June 1

Marc and Evie left

Home again to Illinois

We’re following soon


June 2

Marg’ret missed her flight

My fault, TSA, too long

Lose race to Springfield


June 3

Took us out this time

Jack, Aly, Texas Road House

And Jack even drove


June 4

With Jack nine holes of golf

My first time in last ten years

Love my wormburners


June 5

Tristan lets us rest

All the way from Wichita

Looks into our eyes


June 6

Aly’s basketball

Hours every single day

Tonight she made 3’s!


June 7

Kids are so relaxed

Home now after 20 years (anniversary)

Cancun siesta


June 8

Lunch with Mary Kay

Freewheeling talk with Frachey …

Mimosa, Farkle


June 9

Church, Sand volleyball

And we get to take a nap

Sunday in Springfield


June 10

Imo’s lunch with John

We both love to hear him laugh

See him at the Fair?


June 11

House is still standing

Of course it is! Ev’ry time

I am still surprised


June 12

Settle in and sleep

But there really isn’t time

Is this always true?


June 13

Illinois is cool

Ah, today I can relax

Take a nap outside


June 14

Lots to do – really?

Chickens with our heads cut off.

Find a balance. Rest.


June 15

Party at the lake

Lansford music all night long

Come – make some new friends


June 16

Northside Church of Christ

Steve Cone, senior pastor

Preached on Father’s Day


June 17

God offers ripe wheat

Where is your ladder leaning

Don’t wash, rinse, repeat


June 18

Eat the weeds all day

Squeeze out all that I can get

I will have nothing


June 19

We created ones

Can’t be happy with the world

We’re just made for God


June 20

Sit outside and pray

Share words of hope and courage

Listen to the songs


June 21

We could cut it down.

Our back yard is a jungle

Sit, enjoy, lean back


June 22

It’s been a long time

And these visits are precious

Yes – more than enough


June 23

Joy in Mount Vernon

our family together

just being ourselves


June 24

At Friendship Diner

We sit, catch collective breath

Smiling over eggs


June 25

Day before the play

Twelfth Night weather promising

Outside under stars


June 26

Will these weddings last?

God looks down and calls them true

Six – in two hours!


June 27

Freak accident, she

Fell – twelve hours in bathtub

Here she is – praise God!


June 28

Don blesses me so much

Just once a year – but oh, so good!

For fifty years? – yes!


June 29

Nine par 3 holes with

Chris, Jack – oh, yeah, we must walk

But I stumbled through!


June 30

I go through your sin

But it’s such a little thing!

It affects me too …

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