Angels have longed to look into these things

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

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Angels have longed to look into these things

Beloved, concerning the salvation of your souls.

Many of those who study 1 Peter are skeptical that a Galilean fisherman could have written such beautiful prose. But those same scholars rarely question the resurrection or divinity of a Galilean carpenter who chose Simon from those on the seaside one day at the beginning of his ministry. Jesus knew what he was doing.

The prophets spoke of the grace that was to be yours. They searched and investigated it. The Spirit of Christ within them testified in advance to the sufferings destined for Christ and the glories to follow.

I love how Peter is sure about all of this. His assured preaching began not more than a few weeks after he denied knowing Jesus, or following him, or assuring Jesus that he would never leave him. He left him.

But Simon Peter returned.

It was revealed to the prophets that they were serving not themselves but you.

Peter seemed to understand that God spoke through us at all times, through the prophets, through Jesus, through even himself. Later he will call his listeners a “royal priesthood.” God speaks even through each of those royal priests, through each of us, for the sake of others.

We have preached the Good News to you through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels longed to look.

Oh, my, Peter, the angels have spoken to you, and you have watched them come. The angels admire you, don’t they? What do they see in you, Peter? What has Jesus the Christ told them about you? How do they minister to you? With words given by the Spirit, with power of personality that opens prison doors and sets the captives free, with joy even into an upside down crucifixion?

Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind. Live soberly in preparation, and set your hopes completely on God’s grace, brought to you in the revelation of Jesus. The Christ. Be simple, obedient children and turn away from your former, ignorant desires.

If I can do this, so also can you, my dear children.

Peter speaks with assurance because he has overcome the world. His sin stands always before him, but God’s forgiveness comes always on its heels. He can “lie down and sleep, and wake again, because the Lord sustains me” (Psalm 3). Peter, in peace, “lies down to sleep for God alone, O Lord, makes me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4).

Jesus who called you also calls you holy. “Be holy because I am holy,” he told us all. Therefore gird up the loins of your mind! Be strong and take heart! Then make every moment of your life, every aspect of your conduct, set always apart from the world – be HOLY.

This is how the world will know us. They will know we are Christians by our love.

Jesus said this to Peter, who later said it to all of us: Many that are first will be last, and the last will be first.

(1 Peter 1, Psalm 98, Matthew 11, Mark 10)

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