Glory be

Sunday, June 7, 2020  Solemnity (Feast) of the Most Holy Trinity (in the Tenth Week of Ordinary Time)                    (today’s lectionary)

Glory be

Early in the morning Moses went up …

Perfect for this morning, sweet cool dawn, birds singing … as the poster says, “I don’t usually get up at 4 a.m., but when I do there’s a pork butt waiting.” The grill is settling at 232 degrees, and the inside of the meat is 118. It will be another several hours till it gets to 201.

God’s schedule waits for no man. Moses knew that and got up early. I expect he started an hour or so before sunrise, before he could really make out the dangerous path he was actually taking. By first light he was already committed.

Reading stories of Civil War battles and the marches in between, I am no longer surprised at how little sleep anyone seemed to get, especially the generals. Maybe they stayed up to all hours and slept till noon, I don’t know. But they often thought and talked, thought and talked long past midnight. And the infantry, they were marching, marching, over the bounding main, up at 2 a.m. shouldering loaded muskets heading for a battle where they would just as likely be killed or be a killer. Neither prospect was anything to wake up for, so they were rousted out, lined up, and shouted at. Then unshaved, they moved together like starlings in the sky.

The Lord, having come down in a cloud, stood with Moses and passed before him. “I am Yahweh, the Merciful and Gracious.” Moses bowed down, for the second time in as many days. How could he not have been shaking in his boots? Being with God alone like this was scary enough, but now he represented a group of complaining, lustful, selfish Hebrews who emphatically did not appreciate all that Moses, and all that Yahweh, were doing for them.

But Moses said what he came to say.

Come along with us, Lord. Yes, those people down there are stiff-necked and stubborn, wicked with every kind of sin. But … still.

Moses hopes Yahweh will at least find favor with him. He was disgusted with the behavior of his brothers and sisters. And today he has gotten up very early. He has followed a very dangerous path to the top of Sinai, and now he even speaks his mind.

Can you just give us a copy of what you said the last time?

God explains how gracious and merciful he is, and this time it sticks. Moses descends with two new tablets and now he radiates the glory of God. The people cannot stand the light, but they remember the joy of their salvation. As the great story of God’s revelation continues in the Torah, I am so thankful to be along for the ride.

Since the ninth century, priests have worn white on today’s Feast of the Blessed Trinity. Tomorrow, as ordinary time continues, they will again wear green. White lifts my eyes to the heavens, and green brings them back down to the earth. As Walt Whitman said of himself, I think we can also say of the church, “It is large, it contains multitudes!” My eyes turn toward heaven and turn toward earth, and God embraces all.

You look into the depths

From the temple of your holy glory

Blessed are you upon your throne

Blessed is your glorious name

Can I call you Yahweh, can I call you Christ, can I call you Holy Spirit? Jesus, Lord, Messiah, King? Your names are like the petals on a blooming rose, smelling sweet throughout the day. In all these ways we worship you. White, green, purple, red, every color of the rainbow, we worship you.

Paul’s verbs turn toward heaven and turn toward earth. They are the word of God:


Mend your ways



Live in peace

Most of all enjoy your fellowship in body as well as soul:

Greet one another with a holy kiss.

I can’t wait for those kissing days to come again.

The grace of the Lord Jesus and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit!

In the name of all that’s holy, receive my Holy Kiss!


Jesus speaks through John to Nicodemus. Jesus speaks to us all through John. Jesus provides for us a benediction to end all benedictions.

You must see this! Our Father God, he so loved the world that he gave us his only son. And everyone who believes will have eternal life. Don’t ever think God condemns the world; he wants to save it. Come away from the golden calves, come to me and believe. Trust me … I am the Alpha and Omega, who is and was and is to come, the Almighty.

And so we respond with great benedictory joy. “Glory, be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! As it was in the beginning, is now and is to come.”

Celebrate the Feast. Pulled pork? Maybe not so much for the Hebrews. As for me, however, I can’t wait.

            (Exodus 34, Daniel 3, 2 Corinthians 13, Revelation 1, John 3)


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