O the tales that we can tell

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O the tales that we can tell

Sixth Sunday of Lent, Palm Sunday, April 9, 2017

When he entered Jerusalem the whole city was shaken and asked, “Who is this?” And the crowds replied, “This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth in Galilee.”- from Matthew 21

 So many stories behind these few words. Jesus walked desert paths and market roads for three years. His preaching inspired some and infuriated others, never leaving well-enough alone. Raising a child from the dead, raising a friend from the dead. Blind men walking around with fresh eyes, deaf men hearing their neighbors for the first time, and lame men leaping and laughing and praising God.

Not to mention the woman with her decades-long “issue” of blood. In the transformed lives of so many, Jesus was their personal hero, or as we say it these days, their personal savior.

And now a whole cosmopolitan, Judean crowd, the city dwellers, want to know what’s going on. Why are these people waving their palms? Who is this guy on the donkey? Should we pay attention, should we care? They have no idea.

In this one amazing week they will see. Perhaps they’ll listen to their scribes and Pharisees, and call for Jesus’ death. Perhaps they will hear from those who follow him, how he changed their lives. Jesus taught them to pray to their Abba. The Jews didn’t know how much God loved them, but Jesus changed all that.

I sense my own spot on the sideline, with my friend, watching the parade. I’m curious about the man in the white robe riding on the donkey. Street dust speckles his shirt. He runs his fingers through his hair. I put my hand on my friend’s shoulder so we won’t get separated suddenly in the crowd.

When Jesus turns toward us, he looks right into my eyes. I didn’t expect to feel like this. In a flash I realize in a new way what it means to fear God. My legs shake in this shiver of recognition. Who is this man? I know so little. And of course, I don’t yet know what he’s in for during this Passover week.

His followers stay close and they pass together down the street and out of sight. My friend and I look at each other. We are no longer that interested in getting lunch. What else can we learn about Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee? Who can we find to tell us more?

We have come to call this Holy Week, Jesus. You are holy, you are set apart and call us each to be holy, too. What will be our story as we watch yours unfold? How can I settle myself, rest and learn from you during these last days of your life? I want to know you, Lord.



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